In this article, I will try to shed light on this feature and answer some of the questions you might have about it. Don;t worry, i know what you are bout to ask.
When you follow someone on Facebook, you will be able to see their posts in your news feed. You may also interact with these posts by liking or commenting on them. It's sort of like liking a Facebook page but this is for Facebook profiles.
How to follow Someone On Facebook:
For starters, ou are already following all your Facebook friends by default.
To follow someone who isn't your friend on Facebook, you can go to their profile page, click on the 'Follow' button in the cover photo.
You automatically follow someone when you send a friend request to him or her.
Who Am I following On Facebook?
You can see a list if the people you are following on Facebook. Click on this link: You will see a list of all the people you followed by clicking on the 'Follow button'.
You are also following people you sent friend requests to.
Who is Following me on Facebook.
To find out who is following you on Facebook, click on this link.
Who Can follow me On Facebook?
The default setting for all accounts is that, anybody can follow you. You can change who ca follow you from your account settings page.
Can I Get follower Notifications ?
Yes you can. From the follower settings page, you can choose to get notifications every time you have a new follower.
How Can I get More followers?
You can get more followers by being active on Facebook. There is also a follow button you can get from the follow setting page. Place this button in your blog or website so viewers can follow you directly from there. e.g.
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