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Monday, 4 April 2016

Create a Google + Page In 5 Minutes

Google + pages have been specifically designed for businesses on Google +.  The name has now changed from Google + pages to Google My Business.
To create a buiness page on google +,  go to the creation page and choose the kind of business you want to create a page for.  Sign in with the account you want to create the page on.

Storefront: This kind of page is mainly meant as a front office online for a business premises.  Maybe a store or a restaurant that people can physically go to to buy stuff.

Service Area:  Choose this option if you want to have a page for marketing the services you offer.  These services don't have to be offered at a specific place.

Brand: This type of page is for promoting an artist,  athlete,  a music bad or any other kind of brand or celebrity.  This is perfect for an online business or for any other Google+ page.

Click on Brand and fill in the details of your new Google plus page.

Enter the desired name for your google+ page.  This name should not be too long and it should represent your brand well.  It will affect your custom Google+ page url later.

In the website box,  enter the url of your website if you have one.  This url will appear in the page.

From the drop down menu,  select the type of page you want.  Then click on the 'Create page' button at the bottom of the page.

You will be welcomed by Google plus and taken through a tour of the new Google plus Business.  Ofcourse you can skip if you know about it.
When you get to the Google+ page insights page,  you will see your page data.  Click on the icon in the upper right side and select 'Google+ page.  This will now open your page.
Here you can customize your page by adding a tag line,  contact info, intro message e.t.c. You can also start following pages and creating new posts.

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