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Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Before Uninstalling Google Drive From your Computer

Before you begin the process of uninstalling Google Drive from your computer or mobile device you need to consider a few things first. Do you need the files in the Google Drive folder?  Do you just want to stop syncing or you really want to uninstall?

Stop Sync Temporarily:
If you want to stop syncing temporarily,  you can quit Google drive for the period of time you want to stop syncing.
To quit Google drive,  click on the Google drive icon in the task bar at the bottom right (for Windows)  or the menu bar in the top right (for Mac) of your screen.
When google drive app is launched,  click on the app menu in the upper right side and select 'Quit Google Drive'.
Syncing will begin again automatically when you launch the app or restart your computer.  It's a temporary solution.

Diconnect Your Account:
When you uninstall Google drive app, it deletes the folder from your computer.  This is for when you want to stop syncing completely but you're not really ready to delete your Google drive folder and it's contents.

To disconnect your account,  launch the app.  Click on the app meu in the top right side and select 'preferences'.  Then Click Account > Disconnect account.    Conform you want to delete in the pop up window.

Now,  To Delete Your Account:
If after reading all the above,  you still want to uninstall Google drive from your PC,  first of all copy the files in the google drive folder into another folder in your computer.
Then open the control panel and go to your programs and features list.  Look for Google drive and uninstall it.
For Mac,  Open Finder and click on 'Applications' .  Look for the google drive icon and drag it into the trash can.

NB:  Even when you uninstall Google drive from your computer,  your account and files are still available at 

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